Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
Tuesday Nov 08, 2022
There is a very curious statement about David in acts 13:22 that declares he was a man after gods own heart and would fulfill all of the will of God. At first blush you scratch your head and wonder about a statement like that when you consider the history of David's life. Yes he had some mighty victories from time to time but he also had some major losses and failures. That is if you include murder and adultery.
Yet we have the Scriptures plainly stated that he would fulfill all of the will of God. How could that be since the majority of people believe that God only uses perfect people?
Perfect people? Are there really any of those around that you know?
It's like the old joke that says, when you found the perfect church it wasn't perfect anymore because you showed up.
Take a quick survey if you would in the Testaments to see if we can find those perfect people that God used to change history.
Abraham tried to pawn his wife off on the king as his sister.
Moses ended up murdering an Egyptian hoping that he could deliver the children of Israel with that method.
Gideon was hiding in a cave trembling in fear until the angel found him.
Even the great apostle Peter denied Christ as he was led away to the Cross.
The man who formed the foundation for the New Testament doctrines apostle Paul was a killer and a marauder of the Church.
All of these were crooked sticks that somehow God drew a straight line with and shaped the history of the world and gave us our foundation of Christianity.
Now with that in mind get up get dressed put your best face forward stop listening to the lies of the devil and your own self doubt and do the job God has called you to do on this earth.
You may be one of those crooked sticks but if you'll turn your self over to the Holy Ghost God will know how to draw a straight line with you in the sands of time.
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Faith Producers address: PO Bx 1006 Mt Vernon, WA 98273
Monday Nov 07, 2022
Monday Nov 07, 2022
I am sure you have heard this statement before, "a jack of all trades and an expert at none." That's the world's view of people who fly from job to job like a butterfly in the springtime, somewhat like the five-year-old that wants to be a fireman, policeman, and astronaut all in one week. Only now, that five-year-old is 40 years old and still trying to find himself.
I was coming home with Arlis last night from the store, and while navigating a turn with cars on each side of me, the spirit dropped this thought in my heart.
Stay in your lane George, and you will do well.
I closely watched the white lane on each side of me and trusted it to keep me safe from the moving metal on each side of the car. I had confidence as long as I stayed in my lane, I would be fine.
Of course, the spirit of God had more to say about it than just getting home safely. He was talking to me about the path of life we take and the gifts he has given us to fulfill. Some of us want to do so many things at once in the kingdom of God that we don't get much done.
Why would that be?
Most often, the gift that God gave us that we should be exercising in so that it would grow is not as glamorous as somebody else's gift next to us. So we say to our self I'm going to do that for a while, but it never seems to come to a good conclusion.
The apostle Paul said that when we come together, one has a tongue, another has a prayer, and then someone else has a teaching. And when it's all mixed together, it brings the glory of God and the revelation of Jesus Christ to the people around us.
Every one of us has been challenged to stay in our lane until we are strengthened and developed. I wanted to be like Oral Roberts, but God had other ideas. Just like you, it took time for me to find myself and be happy, as they say, in my skin.
I encourage you today to stay in the lane God has put you in, and you watch, prosperity will come, and you will excel in it.
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WEBSITE= http://www.georgewatkinsministries.com/home-page.html
Faith Producers address: PO Bx 1006 Mt Vernon, WA 98273
Sunday Nov 06, 2022
Sunday Nov 06, 2022
Did you know that wisdom and knowledge are a spirit, not just an idea or a perception of things? When we understand that wisdom and knowledge are spirits and that our father has created them to work with us and bring us to our maturity. We then realize that our father planned for our success through the spirits he has provided for us to bring us to our happy conclusion.
When God said, "let us make man in our image," he also described their purpose and abilities to fulfill his purposes on earth. However, God did not put his children on the planet as orphans to struggle alone without divine assistance.
We are not alone. The multiple layers of spiritual beings that God created to help us hit the target and fulfill our purpose are beyond our imagination.
These are among the things we need to know about God.
He is the master architect and understands perfect planning for the future.
When he created you, he said, "it was good."
I am convinced that our biggest enemy is not the devil but our religious preconceived ideas of who God is and what he has in mind for us.
If you don't believe that God is on your side, as the Psalmist tells us, then you will live your Christian life with a dark cloud over your spirit, wondering if God is going to fulfill his promises or if he is going to fail you.
The scripture refers to a double-minded man that will not receive anything from the Lord. The person with a double-minded attitude toward God is suspicious of the very one who has given him life, freedom, and peace.
Today I want to talk about five things you need to know about God.
- God's not mad at you.
- God's not in a hurry.
- God a happy God.
- God will bring you to your maturity.
- God loves you unconditionally.
If we can capture these simple truths and carry them in our spirit, it will revolutionize our journey in the Holy Ghost and the spiritual world God has given us.
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WEBSITE= http://www.georgewatkinsministries.com/home-page.html
Faith Producers address: PO Bx 1006 Mt Vernon, WA 98273
Saturday Nov 05, 2022
Saturday Nov 05, 2022
Saturday Nov 05, 2022
When you consider your Christian walk and your daily encounters with oppositions that come your way, have you also considered Christ's total victory over the enemy?
Much of our modern theology has a mixture of victory and defeat woven through it. Yes, we speak of Paul's revelation of "Christ in you the hope of glory." And we remember, "greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world." And we hear echoing through our soul, "I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me."
Yet somehow, the theology of God and the devil duking it out is still being heard in some of our congregations. We conjure up the picture of the struggling Saint stumbling through life, hoping they don't get taken out by the enemies' attacks.
This would be a good time for us to refocus and see the clear picture of what Christ actually did for us at the cross, resurrection, and ascension to the father. It seems that I remember somewhere in Paul's teaching that Christ actually won the victory over the enemy and sealed the new covenant in his blood. Then he went as far as giving us authority over all the things the enemy would try through his name.
Then for the final witness of total victory, he sent us the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost as a witness that the father had accepted him as the perfect sacrifice.
With these thoughts in mind knowing that Jesus had perfect victory, should not we, as the army of Christ on earth, have a different tactic? For instance, if the enemy is defeated, our job would be to bring the spoils and bring them home.
That's precisely the position we have in the kingdom we are in today.
We are the mop-up crew going into all the world and declaring the total victory of Jesus Christ over the enemy and bringing the good news that everyone has been freed from death and hell.
Come home; the father's waiting for you.
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WEBSITE= http://www.georgewatkinsministries.com/home-page.html
Faith Producers address: PO Bx 1006 Mt Vernon, WA 98273
Thursday Nov 03, 2022
Thursday Nov 03, 2022
The gospel we know and perceive is like an onion; it has been put together in layers. And just like the onion has to be peeled back one layer at a time, so does the understanding of the gospel of Jesus Christ. If we are pursuing the face of the father, what we know today about the kingdom of God will be expanded tomorrow.
I often ask the Lord why I didn't tell you this sooner and why I had to wait so long to understand this particular revelation. Of course, most of the questions we ask we usually know already because the scriptures tell us that it is line upon line here, a little in there, a little, indicating that the revelation of Jesus Christ is, as we might say, in layers that must be peeled back one layer at a time.
So it is with the subject of dreams and visions. We have been taught in our early days that acts 2:17 refers to Joel's prophecy about old men dreaming dreams. Was that they were remembering the old days and dreaming about them.
Now we understand a different perspective of that scripture and begin to grasp a hold of the power of our dream life. The scriptures are full of visitations from God and angels in the dreams of men and women of old. They were guided and warned and taught spiritual principles as they slept at night when dreams came to them.
I encourage you to open your Spirit to understand the depths of your dream life and invite God to visit you at night. Remember, what you honor Will be attracted to you.
How often have we heard one of our Bible teachers tell us all that it was just a pizza dream? In reality, God was trying to break through to your Spirit and soul in dreams.
There's a reason that God put Adam to sleep when he created Eve out of his rib. It's the same reason God can speak to you in your dreams: you are out of the way and will not interfere.
So happy dreaming.
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WEBSITE= http://www.georgewatkinsministries.com/home-page.html
Faith Producers address: PO Bx 1006 Mt Vernon, WA 98273
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
Wednesday Nov 02, 2022
The modern evangelical world has been robbed because of the prolonged use of the word rapture and ascending. For nearly 200 years, we have been taught that these two words are exclusive to the coming of the Lord and the end of the world. This exaggerated overuse of the focus on this post-pone rapture has caused the church to miss out on one of the essential tools we have to function as kingdom sons and daughters.
A spiritual experience called ascending is beginning to be experienced by men and women worldwide. You may be more comfortable with the word stepping into the presence of the Lord. Others, such as prophet Bob Jones, said he went to heaven five times a day.
However, you expressed it there is a place that many Christians have never visited called "the heavenly's." The apostle Paul said he went into the third heaven on one of his experiences.
We talk of dreams and visions, and yet we never question where we are when experiencing this level of relationship with the spirit of God. In what realm are we? There are many levels of spiritual experience outside of our world.
John the revelator, who was on the island of Patmos, said he was "in the spirit on the Lord's Day." We modern charismatics would say, "we were having a good time on Sunday."
Yet when he turned to see who was speaking to him, he was taken into a world of revelation and visions concerning Jesus Christ and the kingdom of God.
What is your heart telling you today, and what is the desire you have to seek his face and follow his ways? Are you singing the same songs yet feeling unfulfilled? Are you praying, yet you never seem like you're touching the father's heart?
Ask the Holy Spirit to catch you away, go higher into his presence, and listen to the sounds of heaven; you will never be the same.
YOU CAN GIVE HERE=http://www.georgewatkinsministries.com/help-us.html
WEBSITE= http://www.georgewatkinsministries.com/home-page.html
Faith Producers address: PO Bx 1006 Mt Vernon, WA 98273
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
Tuesday Nov 01, 2022
The two questions that I hear most often about the subject of the prophet and prophesy are;
What is prophecy?
Are there prophets alive on the earth today?
To give you the short answer, prophecy declares the will and the word of the Lord to those around you. I know there's a more extensive Biblical interpretation of that but simply, stated, when you preach the gospel or testify of your salvation, you are prophesying God's grace and mercy to those at listen.
You are predicting an outcome that cannot come about any other way but by the grace of God when you declare he will forgive sins.
That's the power and the purpose of prophecy.
In the book of Corinthians, Paul said that we all should prophesy. So there's something so wonderful about the ability to prophesy that God gave everyone who believes the ability to be involved.
Are there profits in the land today?
I think I just answered that question unless you're looking for the old testament prophet with the long white beard and the staff breathing fire down upon rebellious people.
There are prophets in the land that speak the word and the purposes of God, making a difference in the outcome of the church of Jesus Christ.
The prophet is someone who sees down the road; we call them the "headlights" of the church.
The teacher picks up the prophecy and lays out a spiritual path for the church to walk on to fulfill the prophecy. The intercessors get involved by taking the prophecy before the Lord in prayer, believing that the word of God will come to pass.
Scriptures tell us that if we believe the prophets, we will prosper. The congregation catches the prophecy by faith and together receives it from the Lord.
Catch the spirit of prophecy for yourself today and begin to declare your future to be God's will and filled with Victory.
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WEBSITE= http://www.georgewatkinsministries.com/home-page.html
Faith Producers address: PO Bx 1006 Mt Vernon, WA 98273
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Monday Oct 31, 2022
What does the bartender, the Catholic priest, and the hair beautician have in common? You're right. They are points of release for the innate desire of men and women to confess to someone or tell them the story of their life.
Actually, it's just the way God made us. When he wired up our internal system, he gave us a conscience that forces us at some point to confess and talk about the things we have done.
This is what is so important and powerful about the act of forgiving and forgiveness. Actions committed against us that cause negative feelings will produce a seed of unforgiveness in our souls. The only way we can be free from that, according to God's plan, is to forgive those who have offended us.
When we do, two things happen:
First, we are free from the bondage of bitterness, resentment, anger, and hatred. All those are byproducts of an unforgiving spirit that would capture us and stop us from developing our life and spirit.
Secondly, when we forgive those who trespass against us, God goes to work on those who have cheated or wounded us in any way. He is not after their destruction; he is after their redemption. God always works toward life, not death.
If we don't forgive, we are held in bondage, and the person who has offended us continues to be bound up in their lifestyle.
This is why Jesus said in the book of Matthew that when we let forgive someone else, we are forgiven in return.
It's a beautiful deal.
YOU CAN GIVE HERE=http://www.georgewatkinsministries.com/help-us.html
WEBSITE= http://www.georgewatkinsministries.com/home-page.html
Faith Producers address: PO Bx 1006 Mt Vernon, WA 98273
Sunday Oct 30, 2022
Sunday Oct 30, 2022
When I was a kid in our Pentecostal churches, we used to call it a song service, and it was always first with three hymns and two choruses. Our song services were quite lively in our Pentecostal traditions, with plenty of praise and shouts of hallelujah. It was almost certain in the churches that were sensitive to the Holy Spirit that after we sang for a while, we could feel the presence of the Lord increase in our singing.
Most of us didn't know why we did it this way; it was passed down to us by those who raised us in the Lord. I imagine we considered it normal and felt if it was good enough for our fathers, it was good enough for us.
In 1948 we had what they call the latter rain movement that came to us from Abbotsford, Canada, via Australia. With it came a deeper understanding of the gifts of the spirit and what we know now as praise and worship. Little by little, the revelation of worship began to seep into our Pentecostal churches and other denominations until the charismatic movement blew in on us by the wind of the Holy Ghost.
It was no longer just a song service now, something we could get out of the way so we could get to the "good stuff." The praise and worship time began to be the essential entrance into whatever took place in that particular service. We begin to be taught that as the singers went ahead of the ark of the covenant in the old testament, so now worshiping saints would go ahead of the preaching of the word of God in our New Testament churches.
We discovered a new depth of revelation as we taught the word because worship had opened the heavens, just like in Solomons's temple when they dedicated that great gathering place of God's glory.
Worship and praise are really a sound of heaven reflecting through the voices of human believers who have been born from above. Most often, words are not even needed to communicate the worshiping hearts that gather at his throne.
It is my conviction that we are at the precipice of a new level of praise and worship that's coming to the church of our day. Just as dramatic and wonderful as the latter rain style of worship, this new season in our spiritual journey will blow our minds away.
YOU CAN GIVE HERE=http://www.georgewatkinsministries.com/help-us.html
WEBSITE= http://www.georgewatkinsministries.com/home-page.html
Faith Producers address: PO Bx 1006 Mt Vernon, WA 98273
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
Thursday Oct 27, 2022
The consensus of theology passed down through the ages is that suffering is one of the primary vehicles that take us to godliness and maturity. Because of this misplaced emphasis on suffering, the church and generations past have made institutions out of the art and method of suffering.
The Catholic Church, which dominated the scene for a millennium, perfected the art of suffering that developed the monasteries and the multiple brands of spiritual orders that produced a method of seeking God through sacrifice and suffering.
This is a classic example of a good idea that turned into a good idea and ended up as bondage. Whatever we take something that God originated and start tweaking it so it will improve and get bigger, it always turns into self-works which equals dead works.
In plain language, Jesus suffered for us, so we don't have to suffer. Do you think it would improve your salvation to put you on the cross? Of course not. Do you think your righteousness would be better if you had a car wreck or lost your house through foreclosure? No, a thousand times no.
Everything that could possibly be done to make us who we are as righteous sons and daughters of God has been accomplished through Jesus Christ on the cross and at the resurrection.
You can whip yourself, break your leg and carry a wooden cross everywhere you go, and it won't improve your standing with the father.
However, that's another subject if you want to gain patience and improve your faith. James 1:2 has the boldness to inform us that we are to count it a joy when we encounter trials and all sorts of Temptations. I call this God's spiritual gymnasium, where we pump up our muscles.
This is the exercising of our faith which brings us to maturity of strength and spiritual insight that will position us to be wholly furnished unto all good works.
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WEBSITE= http://www.georgewatkinsministries.com/home-page.html
Faith Producers address: PO Bx 1006 Mt Vernon, WA 98273